Call for small-scale grant project proposals for 2020
The Norwegian Embassy in Kyiv is announcing a new call for small-scale grant project proposals for Ukraine for 2020.
The overall program budget for Ukraine this year is 5 million NOK.
The Embassy will give priority to project proposals within these thematic areas:
- Human rights and gender equality efforts with a particular focus on vulnerable groups.
- Strengthening democratic culture and tolerance.
- Promoting independent and innovative media. Strengthening freedom of speech.
- Promoting energy efficiency projects with substantial environmental component on community level.
Applicants working within these fields can be entitled to support based on concrete project proposals presented.
The project proposals will be evaluated based on the project relevance and thematic area, in accordance with the above mentioned focus areas and presented documentation.
Projects implemented in cooperation with Norwegian or international NGOs or by international organizations could be considered. Regardless, cooperation with other donors, national or international organizations, and possible synergies with the requested Norwegian support, should be clearly outlined in the application.
The project implementation period should, as a main rule be limited to 12 months. Plans for sustainability of the activity beyond one year should be outlined in the application.
As a main rule applications should be between NOK 500.000 and NOK 1.000.000. Smaller applications might also be considered.
You will find the template for Application form (S02), Results Assessment framework and budget here .
Participants must submit the Application by sending an e-mail with relevant attachments to:
The Embassy will forward you back the confirmation that the application has been received.
No phone consultations will be available due to our limited resources. Any questions should be sent to
Deadline for submitting the project proposals is: 11th of March 2020 (23:59 CET)
Within 10 working days after the deadline, the Embassy will post the Facebook message about total number of applications submitted within the call and expecting processing time.
Important remarks while preparing application
- The documents in Word, Excel or PDF formats should be sent to . There is no need to copy the application to as it is the Embassy which is the responsible unit for processing your application.
- Do not download your application and supporting documents on an external source with the link for download. Send all the documents as attachments to your mail.
- Application form, Result Framework, Theory of Change, and Implementation/activity plan are to be filled in English.
- Please indicate in your email & cover letter where ( you saw this posting.
Regarding Application form (also use guidance available through the Review pane, under All Markup)
- Please use the form “S02 Application for small scale grants (word)” and not the form “S01 Application form for project or programme support (word)”
- When the application is completed, you are recommended to hide all comments by choosing No Markup instead of All Markup in the Review pane before saving.
- Please date, and sign your application and scan the relevant page in PDF. You can send application form in Word format with the last page scanned in addition (not the whole application to be scanned in addition)
- In Key information please follow these guidelines:
1) Name of applicant and abbreviation – full name of your organization as in Statute plus abbreviation if any (in English)
2) Name of applicant and abbreviation – name your project (up to 72 characters!) / brief description (up to 500 characters!). In this description try to provide overview of what you want to achieve through your project.
3) Grant scheme – Call for small-scale grant project proposals for 2020
4) Unit responsible – Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine
5) Total amount – the equivalent in NOK
- In the line 3.5 – Currency of the account please state the currency used in your budget file.
- In 4.3 – “Sector/field” line you may use the OECD/DAC codes (link in relevant Guidance to application form) or state the priority of the thematic areas announced in the call of proposals.
- In section 5 “Applicant’s competence and capacity to carry out the project” please concentrate on your experience within the thematic and geographical area. Mention the history of your previous projects supported by international and/or national donors (name of the project, donor’s name with contact e-mail, brief description and duration). Mention ongoing projects (with same scope of information) and project applications you are planning to submit for donors’ support in the nearest future, if any.
- The section 6 is the core of your application. You are advised to develop it together with the separate attachment called Result framework. In the line 6.2 please provide your vision of the baseline situation in the area of the planned project, who are the main actors relevant for this field (state institutions, CSOs, international donors). Information on what research or other evidences that can strengthen your description.
- In the line 7.1 provide risk analyses both external and internal (organizational) relevant to the project implementation with development mitigation measures of each risk. In addition consider the risks of unintended negative effects on four cross-cutting issues which is mandatory in Norwegian development cooperation: These four cross-cutting issues are:
- Human rights, with a particular focus on participation, accountability and non-discrimination
- Women’s rights and gender equality
- Climate and environment
- Anti-corruption
The planned contributions and ways of delivery of a project must not lead to violations and tensions in the communities in relation to the mentioned cross-cutting issues.
- In the line 7.2 provide your vision of sustainability of outcomes delivered as well as the sustainability of your organization after the end of the project.
- Provide relevant explanatory notes to the budget Excel file (to be developed as separate document) in section 8. The logic and principles behind each budget line should be clarified. The comments provided in this section is key to understand the composition of your budget file.
Regarding Results Framework
It is important that all fields of the framework are considered and filled in. The indicators could be quantitative or qualitative, and they should be measurable.
As for impact, please describe what you anticipate will change because of your activities. Often it will be institutional or societal change more long-term and beyond the timeframe of your project.
The outcomes should describe what you want to achieve during or after your project is completed, an effect caused by delivery of a number of a products (outputs)
The output means specific and quantitative deliveries in building up the outcome, kind of a product.
Regarding the Budget file
The exchange rate between NOK and the currency of the project should be stated, including the date this is valid.
The budget file should contain the percentage of each staff member engagement in a project. It should as well reflect any additional available funding for different budget lines from other projects/donors (in relation to sharing rent expenses for example). Indirect operating/administrative costs should not exceed the threshold of 5 %.
The budget should be realistic and cost-effective. The section 8 “Budget and financing plan” of the application form should contain relevant links to the sources of information to verify the level of expenses settled for budget positions.
Regarding “Theory of Change”
This document should not exceed two pages and could be named “logic model” or “logic of intervention” as well.
Through this document you are encouraged to develop consideration on how and why the intervention will result in the desired changes leading to expected results.
That is why it is important to have good knowledge of the situation you are trying to change, the specific problem (how do we know that this is a problem?), the adequacy of the instruments used in your project to address the problem, and the readiness of the actors and recipients for certain degree of changes in their occupational sphere.
The relationship between different results levels (outputs, outcomes and impact) should be logical and visible. Your experience from previous projects, and relevant research can be used as background for conclusions. This document should be developed, regardless if you are not reaching the goals and objectives of your project before at a later stage, beyond one year.
Regarding Implementation/Activity plan
This document should reflect the planning of the activities under the project from Month 1 to Month 12 (as maximum).
The line 4.2 from the application form requests information about the project duration. You should state the dates as it is planned in your organizational routines taking into consideration that the processing of applications received through the call of proposals might take a few months (call deadline summarizing of received applications with shortlisting processing shortlisted applications finalizing agreements with selected organizations).