Reference: RFI/2020/16362
Beneficiary country(ies): Ukraine
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 13-Oct-2020
Deadline on: 23-Oct-2020 09:00 0.00
The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is an operational arm of the United Nations, supporting the successful implementation of its partners’ peace-building, humanitarian and development projects around the world. UNOPS supports partners to build a better future by providing services that increase the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of peace building, humanitarian and development projects. Mandated as a central resource of the United Nations, UNOPS provides sustainable project management, procurement and infrastructure services to a wide range of governments, donors and United Nations organizations.
Ever since its establishment in Ukraine, in 2017, UNOPS aims to contribute to the efforts of the Government of Ukraine to enhance capacities for qualitative execution of activities in the area of health and medical care.
In order to support the capacity of the Ukraine health services, UNOPS procures and delivers medical equipment, which assists the Ukrainian authorities and enables an effective and efficient provision of medical assistance to patients.
As part of this effort, UNOPS will deliver one neurosurgical operating microscope (Leica M530 OHX) to the hospital in Ukraine under the umbrella of the Ministry of Defence.
The neurosurgical operating microscope is expected to be fully installed and operational at the hospital in Kharkiv by December 2020. While training in the use of the equipment will be provided by the supplier after the delivery of the device, more advanced clinical training would be necessary as the device is highly complex and the medical personnel cannot fully capitalize on all the capacity of the equipment, with their current knowledge and training.
Opportunity Structure
The aim of this exercise is to upgrade the knowledge and training of the medical personnel to a level where they can fully utilize the capacity of the device, through clinical training on microsurgical techniques.
Three doctors equipped to utilize the neurosurgical operating microscope (Leica M530 OHX) at its full capacity.
Six number of support personnel equipped to utilize the neurosurgical operating microscope (Leica M530 OHX) at its full capacity. Complementing the optics of a microscope, explore the benefits of Intraoperative fluorescence in the field of neurosurgery.
- In class, theoretical training; with delivery of educational material printed and provided on USB/CD developed or translated on Ukrainian/ Russian language
- Practical training at the Recipient’s premises at the hospital in Kharkiv, where the neurosurgical operating microscope will be installed.
- Best practice demonstration and medical training in institution in Ukraine or Europe ;
Practical training at the Recipient’s premises at the hospital in Kharkiv, where the neurosurgical operating microscope will be installed must include and focus on the following:
- Setting up and safety use of neurosurgery microscopy device
- Configuration of microscopy device and working environment in surgical theater
- Switching to the Back-up Bulb
- Balancing the Surgical Microscope
- Configuring Hand Grip and Foot Controls
- Configuring Light Settings
- Setting up Co-observation, working with Stereo attachment for binocular assistant tube side (main doctor and first assistant)
- Draping the Surgical Microscope, sterile environment and prevent contamination and infections
- Using HD camera and medical monitor
- Exporting Patient Data
- Configuring and Sorting Patient Files
Application of microscopy in general, vascular, spinal and tumor surgery
Best practice demonstration and medical training in institution in Ukraine or Europe must include:
- general, vascular, spinal and tumor surgery
- Intraoperative fluorescence in the field of neurosurgery.
- Configuring fluorescence module:
- Leica FL560 fluorescence module
- Leica FL400 fluorescence module
- Leica FL800 vascular fluorescence modules
- fluorescence mode used to perform Fluorescence in Vascular Neurosurgery
- Using fluorescent modules for surgical treatment of the brain tumour and skull base surgery
**The Bid should include transport, accommodation and catering for all parts of the training, except for the part implemented at the Recipient’s hospital in Kharkiv.
Competitive Scope
Qualification requirements for the trainer(s).
- One certified neurosurgeon with PhD in neurosurgery permanently working as a professor of medical faculty, or working as a head of neurosurgery clinic/ department for more than 5 years.
- Trainer should possess the necessary clinical, teaching and administrative skills, and commitment to conduct the programme. Trainers should provide evidence of scholarly activities (clinical and/or basic research, publications in peer reviewed journals and participation in neurosurgical scientific meetings). Trainers will require secretarial and administrative support.
- One application specialist with a minimum work experience in educating medical staff and working with Leica microscopy devices for at least 3 years, authorized by the manufacturer or authorized by representative of Leica Microsystems company.
Deadline date for submission of Request for Information: 23.10.2020
UNOPS Contact Information:
- UNOPS Kyiv office
Lypska Str.10
Kyiv, Ukraine - Attn: Valentyn Ananko, Procurement Analyst
- Tel: +380503984560
- E-mail: [email protected]
IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system, via the UNGM portal. In order to access the full UNOPS tender details, request clarifications on the tender, and submit a vendor response to a tender using the system, vendors need to be registered as a UNOPS vendor at the UNGM portal and be logged into UNGM. For guidance on how to register on UNGM and submit responses to UNOPS tenders in the UNOPS eSourcing system, please refer to the user guide and other resources available at: