Subject: The announcement of call for NGOs interested in the possibility of participation in the project (UA1-2020-1527)
Published: 16.09.2020
Status: open
The International Organization for Migration (hereinafter called IOM) intends to engage qualified non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to submit expression of interest as Implementing Partners for the following projects: «Regional Program Against Trafficking Phase 2», funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and «COUNTERING TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS IN UKRAINE (CTIP) – PHASE 3», funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
IOM now invites NGOs from Kyiv region to submit Project and Budget Proposal on the following subject: Implementation of the National Referral Mechanism in Decentralization Settings.
The project will be implemented given the availability of funding.
Terms of reference include specific information on trainings and support of project beneficiaries. Budget should be submitted in Ukrainian Hryvnia, without VAT. The Implementing Partner will be selected under the Quality/Cost-Based Selection procedures described in this RFP.
The RFP includes the following documents:
a. Invitation to Bid;
b. Instruction to Proponents;
c. Annex 1 – Terms of Reference;
d. Annex 2 – Vendor Information Sheet and Code of Conduct for Suppliers;
e. Annex 3 – Project Implementation Agreement;
f. Annex 4 – Technical Proposal Template;
g. Annex 5 – Budget Proposal Template.
- The Proposals must be delivered through mail on or before 18:00 on 25 September, 2020, to the following address: or if the size of file exceeds 5 mb place electronic versions of the documents on an open file exchange service (Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.)
- To help us track our procurement effort, please indicate in your email where ( you saw this tender/procurement notice.
Applications submitted after the deadline shall not be accepted.
Please, indicate clearly in the subject line of an e-mail with the project proposal the tender number UA1-2020-1527 – Implementation of the National Referral Mechanism in Decentralization Settings _name of NGO
Inquiries by e-mail:
The subject of an email for inquiry should contain the following:
UA1-2020-1527– question on request for proposals to the attention of Vitaliy Kravchenko_ name of NGO
The selection process of the project Implementing Partner will be carried out during the period defined after confirmation of funding, and may include a personal meeting with the staff of the organization in the IOM mission.
IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and to annul the selection process and reject all Proposals at any time prior to agreement award, without thereby incurring any liability to affected selection participants and Implementing Partners.