The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv announces the 2021 Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program to support projects in educational area. Subject to availability of funds, the Embassy will award small grants as described below to Ukrainian and U.S.-based non-governmental, notfor-profit organizations. Specific thematic priorities and program requirements are described in detail below. The project must be tailored towards Ukrainian audiences, and all project activities supported by the U.S. Embassy grant should take place in Ukraine and incorporate a substantive U.S. component. The length of the project may be up to one year.
Ukrainian non-profit, non-governmental organizations are eligible to apply. U.S. registered NGOs are eligible to serve as subcontractors to Ukrainian Grant Recipients.
The eligible themes may cover a variety of subjects under the umbrella of Ukraine’s ongoing educational reform. The projects which focus on the below themes will get priority:
- Professional development opportunities for educators representing secondary schools, colleges, universities, and state policy-making and policy-implementing organizations in the field of education.
- Development of active collaboration between educational institutions and NGOs, local administrations, and businesses to support regional development.
- Increasing access to quality education for public school and university students with special needs.
- Youth education programs with focus on engaging high school and university students in the areas of leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation and civic education. NGOs managed by youth are encouraged to apply.
Participation of U.S. educational experts is strongly encouraged. All projects should highlight U.S.-Ukrainian academic collaboration or advance Ukrainian educational goals by featuring significant U.S. research, educational approaches, and practical experience. Collaborative, sustained projects, and partnerships between U.S. and Ukrainian educational institutions, are preferred.
This competition does not support proposals focused on pre-kindergarten and primary education.
Requests for equipment may be no more than 20% of the overall proposal budget.
Timeline: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis between December 15, 2020 and July 15, 2021. Any proposal sent before or after those dates will not be considered.
Notification of awards should occur approximately three weeks after the review dates identified below (barring delays related to availability of funds).
Grant proposals will be accepted according to the following timeline:
- February 15, 2021, 11:59 P.M. Eastern European Standard Time. The projects that begin no earlier than March 2021 will be considered.
- April 15, 2021, 11:59 P.M. Eastern European Standard Time. The projects that begin no earlier than June 2021 will be considered.
- July 15, 2021, 11:59 P.M. Eastern European Standard Time. The projects that begin no earlier than September 2021 will be considered.
Note: An organization is allowed to submit only one application during each cycle. Educational institutions and individuals are not eligible to participate in this competition. Any applications received after the review dates listed above will be considered in the following review cycle.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. Repeat applications that were rejected in earlier rounds will not be considered.