The EIB aims to support the Ukrainian government in ongoing reform of the VET sector through construction or substantial renovation and upgrade of existing VET schools and turning them into Centres of Excellence in up to 10 regions in Ukraine.
Opportunity Background
The project comprises two components that will seek the modernisation of the Ukrainian Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. The first component is the EU4Skills programme funded by the European Commission, Germany, Poland and Finland with additional participation by Estonia. The second component is the EIB’s financed operation. The EIB operation comprises the establishment of one Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Vocational Education and Training in up to 10 selected administrative regions (oblasts) in Ukraine. The EU4Skills Programme will comprise the establishment of a further 3 CoEs as well as the implementation of capacity building and smaller school upgrading measures.
Opportunity Structure
The EIB aims to support the Ukrainian government in ongoing reform of the VET sector through construction or substantial renovation and upgrade of existing VET schools and turning them into Centres of Excellence in up to 10 regions in Ukraine. The loan is supposed to complement the EU4Skills: Better Skills for Modern Ukraine programme launched by the European Commission in 2019, co-funded by Germany, Finland, Poland and Estonia and targeted to support with reforms and modernisation of the VET system in Ukraine.
Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount)
EUR 58 million
Total cost (Approximate amount)
EUR 116 million
Environmental aspects
The Republic of Ukraine signed an Association Agreement with the EU in 2014. As part of that agreement, Ukraine committed to transposing the environmental impact assessment (EIA) Directive 2014/52/EU amending directive 2011/92/EU into its legislation. In 2017, Ukraine passed legislation updating its current legislation that broadly transposes Directive 2014/52/EU and 2011/92/EU bringing the country’s EIA legislation in line with EU law. The principles of the 2017 legislation would satisfy the EIB’s Environmental and Social Safeguards. The project is expected to be located where existing VET schools and education infrastructure exist. Therefore, potential negative environmental and social impacts are likely to be minor. If situated in the EU, the project would likely fall within Annex II of Directive 2014/52/EU amending Directive 2011/92/EU and therefore be subject to screening. However, formal screening does not exist in Ukraine and the responsibility lies with the developer using professionally competent people to assess the environmental impacts against the legislation. Such an assessment must be carried out prior to providing development consent as the authority issuing the development consent checks it. The potential impact on any conservation areas will also need to be appraised. The compliance of the procedures in place with the EIB Environmental and Social Standards will be analysed during the appraisal. Although Ukraine has not yet transposed Directive 2010/31/EU on the performance of energy in buildings, it has passed legislation on energy efficiency in buildings. The new buildings will be designed and built to conform to Directive 2010/31/EU.
The Bank will require the Promoter to ensure that any procurement procedures are done in accordance with the Bank’s Guide to Procurement and the relevant applicable EU public procurement rules.
Financing (Approximate Amount)
The total budget for the project is EUR 116 million while the proposed EIB finance is EUR 58 million.
Executing Agency
The project is executed by UKRAINE
Competitive Scope
The project is now in its planning stage. It can be expected that services, supplies, and/or works in education development may be procured in the duration of this project.