February 2021

Provision of Drinking Bottled Water and Auxiliary Services

Provision of drinking bottled water and auxiliary services to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine Provision of drinking bottled water and auxiliary services to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine REFERENCE NUMBER: ITB/SMM/81/2020 PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES: Invitation to Bid (ITB) LAUNCH DATE: 18 December 2020 DEADLINE: 28 January 2021 – 12:00 , Europe/Kiev EXPECTED CONTRACT DURATION: 4 years ON BEHALF OF: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine Summary of Requirements The Organization for Security […]

Provision of Drinking Bottled Water and Auxiliary Services Read More »

Eliminating Domestic and Gender-based Violence

Eliminating domestic and gender-based violence in Ukraine Opportunity Background Current Closing Date for Applications Mar 09, 2021 12:00:00 AM EST Description The U.S. Embassy’s Public Affairs Section (PAS) Democracy Commission Small Grants Program invites Ukrainian NGOs to submit proposals that support the elimination of domestic and gender-based violence in Ukraine. This includes violence against LGBTI individuals. The purpose of the grant competition is to support both experienced and new Ukrainian NGOs to address domestic and

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Invitation for Tenders – Technical Rehabilitation of Boiler Plant with installation of Flue Gas Condenser in Poltava (first stage)

invitation for Tenders – Technical Rehabilitation of Boiler Plant with installation of Flue Gas Condenser in Poltava (first stage) Procurement ref: “Technical Rehabilitation of Boiler Plant Tsiolkovskoho 36 with installation of Flue Gas Condenser – Poltava”. Country: Ukraine Funding sources: Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) Issue date: 2021-02-01 Deadline for tenderers’ confirmation of participation: 2021-02-26 Tenderers site visit: 2021-03-04, digital participation will be possible! Deadline for request for

Invitation for Tenders – Technical Rehabilitation of Boiler Plant with installation of Flue Gas Condenser in Poltava (first stage) Read More »

British Council: Competition to Support Social Action Projects (Ukraine)

British Council: Competition to Support Social Action Projects (Ukraine) Background Британська Рада оголошує про конкурс підтримки проєктів соціальної дії (ПСД) для учасників локальних тренінгів і таборів “Активні Громадяни”. Подати свої проєкти можуть партнери програми “Активні Громадяни”: неурядові організації, молодіжні центри та заклади вищої освіти. Scope Основними пріоритетами ПСД в межах програми Активні Громадяни є міжкультурний діалог та сталий розвиток. Пріоритетами цього конкурсу ПСД є: зміцнення соціальної згуртованості в Україні; міжкультурний діалог між різними соціальними групами

British Council: Competition to Support Social Action Projects (Ukraine) Read More »

Competition for Social Action Projects against Climate Change (Ukraine)

Competition for Social Action Projects against Climate Change (Ukraine) Background Британська Рада в межах програми “Активні Громадяни” планує підтримати проєкти соціальної дії (ПСД), що протидіють змінам клімату, щоб долучитися до 26-ї Конференції країн-учасниць конвенції ООН щодо змін клімату (COP26), що відбудеться у Глазго, Великобританії, з 1 по 12 листопада 2021 року. Британська Рада підтримає ПСД з фокусом на тематику зміни клімату. Взяти участь у конкурсі можуть випускники локальних тренінгів “Активні Громадяни”, подавши заявку через організацію-партнера

Competition for Social Action Projects against Climate Change (Ukraine) Read More »

House of Europe: Grants for Projects for Creative Youth (Ukraine)

House of Europe: Grants for Projects for Creative Youth (Ukraine) Background We believe that Ukraine is talented. There are enough talented Ukrainians in every town or village, but no funding and opportunities for self-expression. We undertake to correct it. Grants support projects that help 16-25-year-olds express themselves. Inclusive theater productions, film camps, urban laboratories for rethinking public spaces and other incentives to create. We will not leave you alone with the project: your partner will

House of Europe: Grants for Projects for Creative Youth (Ukraine) Read More »

EU4Independent Media (GPN)

EU4Independent Media Section I: Contracting authority Name and addresses: Official name: European Union, represented by the European Commission Postal address: Rue de la Loi 15 Town: Brussels NUTS code: BE100 Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale / Arr. van Brussel-Hoofdstad Postal code: B-1049 Country: Belgium E-mail: [email protected] Internet address(es): Main address: https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/node_en Communication: Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address Type of the contracting authority: European institution/agency or international organisation Main activity: General public services Section

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